Starting Clean

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When we started off designing the cloud architecture for Meta in February of 2015, it was with a totally clean slate. We had a vision for the experience that we wanted to create and requirements to go along with that, but no constraints from previously built technology or legacy infrastructure. While not an atypical position for a startup, we were thus positioned to choose a technology stack that fit our goals exactly while catering to the capabilities of our small team.

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Facilitating Idiomatic Swift with Objective-C

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At Meta, most of the work that has gone into our client applications thus far facilitates keeping our user’s files in sync with our cloud system so that they can be easily searched and accessed. When we began work on the client application for Mac OS X a few months ago, there were two major decisions that had to be made. The first was how to organize the application so that a resilient background process could listen for file system changes and keep everything up to date in the cloud.

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